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© 2024 by Age:The New Punk

  • Writer's pictureColette 't Hart

Hey tech-savvy peeps!

Updated: Feb 22

Buckle up for a thrilling blog post where high tech meets fierce female relaunchers. We're taking a deep dive into the realm where brainpower meets grit, and where women are carving their niche in tech like never before. Grab your VR goggles, millennials and Gen Zers, 'cause we're about to surf an inspirational tsunami!

Women laughing

Throwback time! Let's rewind to the gritty tech world of the 90s, 2000s, and 2010s. Get ready to traverse a saga rife with corporate shenanigans, where women were up against the old-school foes of harassment, bullying, and gaslighting. Despite grinding out a brutal 80-hour workweek, promotions seemed to be VIP passes for the guys only. We GenX ladies in tech had to deal with constant shade from male coworkers, but hey, we didn't back down. Our tenacity and hustle only glowed brighter.

Here's the real kicker: in the middle of this battlefield, a revolution sparked. We rolled out a fresh new take that shook the way creative and tech minds meshed. We put UX services on the map, integrating them into client solutions. It was a eureka moment, realizing how crucial it is to create systems that are as intuitive as they are efficient.

We evolved into resilience gurus, our loyalty to our peeps and company values steadfast. We infused humanity into the tech and CS scene, untangling the complex tango between humans and machines. Our mission? To revolutionize their interaction like never before.

Trailblazers at heart, we led the charge in cutting-edge usability services, enabling our clients to create systems that were powerhouses of impact. We stood firm on the inclusion of user needs throughout the process, marking our territory as catalysts for innovation and user-centric design.

So gear up, awesome peeps, to witness the relentless spirit of GenX women in tech. We flipped the script, carving a path towards a more empathetic and user-friendly tech landscape. It's a victory lap against all odds, where tech's endless possibilities met human genius. Let's salute this amazing journey and the legacy it has built.

Hey, future interviewers, lend an ear! When you're chatting with us GenX tech queens, skip asking us how we dealt with our male coworkers or problem-solved. We just got stuff done, in spite of the massive hurdles. It was rough, but we found comfort in the folks who truly got us and had our backs. And guess what? Those allies were both women and men who saw and appreciated our hustle, relishing our agile adaptability and unique talents that we rocked for our clients.

Our eyes were on the prize, but we also had a knack for adding some extra zing to our projects. We worked round the clock, side by side with our client teams. Our main jam was getting things done, and our clients valued our game-changing inputs. There were some bumps, though, with tech leads often dismissing our innovations as trivial. But that didn't faze us one bit!

One fine day, I decided to mix things up and bridge the gap between creatives and techies. Every Friday, we hosted a chill party with pizza and brews. And guess what? It was a total game-changer. Barriers melted away, and the outcome was straight-up magic. We started vibing like never before, scoring big wins for our clients. These get-togethers uplifted our culture and spotlighted the epic achievements possible through clever collaboration.

So, future interviewers, take note: GenX women in tech made monumental strides in evolving workplace culture and collaboration. We stared challenges in the face, shattered stereotypes, and upped the teamwork game. We've earned props for our achievements and the revolution we sparked. Don't forget that!

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